By Penelope and David Kerr on Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Category: Barging 2013

The Internet is not always correct

Simon's boatyard craned us back into the water on Friday afternoon. Penny does not like to watch this activity (too scared) so she and her sister Annette went for a long walk and returned with perfect timing.

While they were away, our good friend Christian arrived with a package for me (David). It contained a replacement camera filter for the one broken accidentally in Italy. This was very good of Christian as he had to travel to the Post Office, coolect it and then bring it to us.

Thank you very much Christian and Chantal for your kindness!

We headed off down the Yonne River to the first lock but discovered to our surprise that it was CLOSED despite what the web site said (that the river had been re-opened). Indeed, the map on the VNF website still shows Green (open).

So, we had a pleasant overnight stop at Laroche St Cydroine and tehn went into the Migennes Basin. This was not straightforward because the eclusier (lock keeper) was no-where to be found. A friend in the harbour had a car and very kindly drove me to the next lock where we found the young eclusier having a picnic afternoon tea with his girlfriend. He was very embarassed and quickly returned to operate the lock. I guess he did not expect anbyone to arrive from a closed River...but he forgot that there is a boatyard full of people anxious to get under way on the water after winter. Fortunately, 99% of eclusiers are much more diligent that he.

It has been very difficult to find out when the river might re-open. Seems to be a day by day thing. So, Moday, we decided to move and went up the Bourgogne Canal to a pleasant town called St Florentine. We have been here before. It is a very attractive place and has, in its Church, some of the oldest and best preserved coloured glass windows in France. As well, there are detailed descriptions in three languages and you guide yourself after obtaining the key from the Tourist Bureau.

Best Regards,

Dave & Penny

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